CDPF & CLL Pricing

Program Name: Cahn Distinguished Principals Fellowship

Program Delivery Fee: $30,000/Per Fellow & Ally pair 

School districts are invoiced at $10,000 per Fellow/Ally pair.

  • a) $6,000 for delivery of copyrighted Professional Development provided by Renowned University Faculty, Expert Consultants and Cahn Fellowship Staff.

    b) $6,000 for curriculum creation, Study Summit materials, Cahn Fellowship Support  Team, dedicated Alumni Advisor support and Guest Speaker fees 

    c) $11,000 for in-person and virtual Study Summits and Annual Conference, where each pair will collaborate and learn from other Cahn Fellows from across the country. This fee also includes overnight hotel stays, venue rentals and/or room rental fees, A/V rental, food and beverage, planning and postage fees, and taxes where applicable. 

    d) $7,000 for flights/transportation for the Welcome Reception/Gettysburg and each Study  Summit for the year 

  • a) Ground Transportation 

    b) Baggage fees and/or flight upgrades 

    c) Meals outside of program schedule 

    d) Cancellation fees 

Program Name: Cahn Leadership Lab

Program Delivery Fee: $15,000/Per Practitioner

School districts are invoiced at $10,000 per Practitioner.

  • a) $3,000 for delivery of Professional Development provided by presenters and Cahn  Fellowship Staff 

    b) $3,000 for curriculum, session materials, Cahn Fellowship Support Team, dedicated  Certified Executive Coaching 

    c) $6,000 for in person and virtual professional learning sessions, where each participant  will collaborate and learn from other Cahn Practitioners from across the country. This fee  also includes overnight hotel stays, venue rentals and/or room rental fees, A/V rental,  food and beverage, planning and postage fees, and taxes where applicable. 

    d) $3,000 for flights/transportation for the initial excursion and each professional learning  session for the year 

  • a) Ground Transportation 

    b) Baggage fees and/or flight upgrades 

    c) Meals outside of program schedule 

    d) Cancellation fees