Lighthouses of Learning: Safely Guiding the Most At-Risk Scholars to Academic Shores
Dr. Amanda Ainley
Cahn Fellow 2023
Rightsizing impact, no math teachers, no resources, the struggle is real!
Dr. Kelly Allen
Cahn Fellow 2023
How Do We Get Students to Attend Today to Transform Their Tomorrow?
Stacy Arena
Cahn Fellow 2023
Enhancing Attendance Accuracy and Stakeholder Engagement: A Year of Reflection
Kayode Ayetiwa
Cahn Fellow 2023
Unity in Diversity: Sparking Intercultural Understanding Among School Staff
Wendy Baker
Cahn Fellow 2023
Following our North Star: Fostering Collaboration to Develop School Culture
Dr. Linda W. Beck
Cahn Fellow 2023
Engaging the Disengaged - Using Student Voice to Promote Engagement in the Classroom
Neil Beech
Cahn Fellow 2023
Unleash the Brilliance in All Learners Project-Based Learning: Improve Your School
Donna Bonanno
Cahn Fellow 2023
As Iron Sharpens Iron: Examining the Impact of Advisory Programs and Peer Mentoring on Student Outcomes
Shawn Brown
Cahn Fellow 2023
Adults Have Feelings Too...Weaving Together Staff Emotions and Professional Learning
Ryan Coors
Cahn Fellow 2023
Designing the Future: Enhancing Student Agency at Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design
Gill Cornell
Cahn Fellow 2023
Diamonds in the rough: Getting to the core of a Disconnected Community
Jessica Cruz
Cahn Fellow 2023
Dual-Language Curriculum Implementation: Addressing the structural and pedagogical shifts through a change management framework
Daniel de los Reyes
Cahn Fellow 2023
Leading the way by sharing the load: Building teacher leaders to strengthen adult learning and advance teacher practices
Katharine DeBenedictis
Cahn Fellow 2023