Unity in Diversity: Sparking Intercultural Understanding Among School Staff


Wendy Baker Cahn Fellow 2023

Ms. Baker and Ms. Jackson, both newcomers to Mary Moore Elementary, found themselves in a unique position as the school year began. While Ms. Baker was starting her first year, Ms. Jackson was embarking on her second. Being new to the campus, they were in the midst of learning the school's culture, climate, and unspoken rules. This fresh perspective, however, allowed them to objectively observe and assess the differing and sometimes conflicting viewpoints of the staff and students.

The new administrators observed several concerning incidents during the school year, including at-risk students being removed from class due to behavioral issues and some students leaving classrooms without permission. There were also multiple serious altercations among students, and one teacher was injured by an aggressive student who receives special education services. These negative interactions not only impacted the students' performance on district and state assessments but also strained relationships between staff and students. In response to these challenges, Ms. Baker and Ms. Jackson decided to focus on fostering healthier intercultural relationships between students and staff to improve the overall school environment.


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