Ensuring Equitable Practices via Student Engagement
Donny Lopez • Cahn Fellow 2018
At P.S. 163 Alfred E. Smith, we have chosen to focus our Cahn Fellows project on using data analysis to ensure equitable practices. We define equitable practices as teaching practices that acknowledge a student’s academic level — and social-emotional needs — and through the use of scaffolds and supports, presents children with rigorous, grade-level tasks. The staff created this definition and ensures that all equally envision the same outcome as it pertains to equitable practices in the classroom. At the conclusion of our Cahn project, our entire staff of P.S. 163 will have begun the journey on ensuring equitable practices. We say begun because equity is a broad word that entails many facets and angles. Teacher mindset, academic expectation, student suspension, and so much more all connect back to equity. As a result, our Cahn project will live on at P.S. 163 as a journey that will challenge the staff to reflect and refine their teaching practices and beliefs.