How Can We Increase Student Achievement Using Collaboration and Trust to Build Stronger Teacher Practice?


Sandra D’Avilar Cahn Fellow 2018

Our project deals with crafting a school culture that is conducive to teacher collaboration and trust; in an effort to build stronger teacher practice as we embed more rigor within our targeted small group work. Within our final project, we will be presenting information on who we are as a school and what our problem of practice is. We will share that an extensive look at our school’s data clearly shows that even though we continue to make steady progress, our student progress is not what we deem it to be. We will share information on our achievement gap; especially for African American males. We have been memorializing the work we have been engaging within a small group. We have used a small cohort of teachers to attend a specialty group surrounding Small Group work, and they have returned to the school and provided professional development for their peers and for the administration team.


Literacy on the Move “Guiding Teacher Practices as a Pathway to Student Success”


Engineering A Path Towards Equity