How Creating a Culture of Grace, Gratitude, and Grit Promotes Student Progress and Achievement During a Pandemic


Doris Lee Cahn Fellow 2020

This review investigates the intentional efforts of school leaders to increase collective efficacy during an international crisis. The effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, along with racial unrest, and financial distress threatened to halt learning for students in an inner city, public, middle school. Determined to ensure the mental health and safety for teachers and students along with continued learning and academic growth, school leaders developed a plan to increase grit, employ grace, and encourage gratitude. Leaders leveraged the knowledge gained through the Cahn Fellows Program on communication, learning, and feedback styles, along with determining and maximizing strengths to guide their school community through the triple pandemic while also improving their leadership.


Shifting Leadership Approaches to Establish a Culture of Shared Leadership


Managing the Adjustment from Fifth Grade to Sixth Grade: An Investigation of the Social, Emotional and Academic Shift from Elementary to Middle School