“Just Keep Swimming!” Developing School-Wide, Trauma-Informed Practices to Support Student Learning


Rachel Payne Cahn Fellow 2018

When trying to reach that student that seems unreachable, you know what you’ve got to do!

“Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…” Dory, Finding Nemo

At Marie L. Greenwood Academy in the Denver Public Schools, we are committed to building relationships with our students. Creating consistent school-wide trauma-informed practices — such as designing a peace corner in each classroom, ensuring that all students have access to a full-time mental health team member, and implementing a more trauma-informed approach to discipline — we are creating an environment that is conducive for ALL students to get the support they need to be successful. Dive into the deep along with us as we show you how to “Just Keep Swimming” when creating school-wide trauma-informed practices.


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