Learning to Play Nice so the Work Can Get Done


Rebecca Salgado Cahn Fellow 2018

When the adults at a school can’t get along, the work can’t get done…or at least it can’t get done as well. That is the unfortunate truth of the world we work in. We are blessed to work at a school filled with fantastic students and families who need us in so many ways, and every adult at our school loves the little people we work for. What is harder for our staff is loving – or sometimes even liking – the big people we work with. What do you do when you have a common goal, but you just can’t seem to play nice? Our project is a little bit excavation, a little bit exploration as we seek to find the causes behind the lack of trust and respect and the right ingredients to rebuild it so we can tackle the hard work of supporting and loving the little people in our care in the best way possible – together!


Deep Dive into Literacy


Increasing Learning Gains for All Students through Connection