Literacy Systems For Our Littlest Readers: Developing Literacy Systems To Drive School-Wide Growth
Clare Lundquist • Cahn Fellow 2023
Post-Pandemic literacy scores plummeted across the board. In order to recover from significant learning loss, we developed strategic data, curricular, and coaching systems to rebuild our program from Kindergarten up. Join us to learn about how we, the U Prep Early Literacy Team, transformed Kindergarten through 2nd Grade literacy outcomes to bolster 3rd through 5th grade ELA scores. Through codification of school-level, coach-level, and teacher-level systems, we were able to clarify the vision and expectations of each aspect of our literacy program. This process included data and curricular systems, professional development and coaching systems, and day to day instructional systems. As a result, we were able to coach and develop teachers to improve their instruction, and ultimately dramatically improve early literacy results as measured by DIBELS.