Reinvigorating Personalized and Competency-Based Learning in an Urban High School


Dr. Kathleen Speth Cahn Fellow 2021

The problem of practice examined in this capstone project is the examination of how an urban high school can  implement systems and structures to reinvigorate and sustain personalized and competency-based learning, specifically small group learning and a cooperative learning environment that includes frequent feedback, productive interactions and an emphasis on self-advocacy. Prior to the recent COVID-19 pandemic the school had demonstrated success in shifting the teaching and learning model to a personalized and competency-based learning model that was supported by a collaborative learning environment for teachers.  Since the return to in-person learning the school has seen a shift back to more traditional teaching and learning methods. The capstone outlines the benefits of a personalized and competency-based learning model and further examines the importance of teacher development in such a model. The logic model in this capstone addresses the problem of practice by providing an implementation plan which will serve to reinvigorate personalized and competency-based learning at the school through the re-engagement of teachers, students and parents.  


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