Visionary-Empowering Student Ownership


Alexa Sorden Cahn Fellow 2018

Look ahead — what do you see? A thoughtful group of scholars taking ownership of their learning. Through blended learning we are working to increase students’ independence, voice, and choice. Blended learning is student-centered in its approach because it allows students to use time and resources more flexibly. Blended learning is an intentional integration of traditional and online learning in order to provide educational opportunities that maximize the benefits of each mode of delivery and thus effectively facilitate student learning.

Why blended learning? The labor market is changing drastically; business predictions state that by 2030, 85% of the professions will be entirely new. Employers will increasingly rely on machines and robots instead of human labor because it helps to reduce costs. 2030 is only eleven years away: hence the sense of urgency to rethink students’ classroom experience.


Building Teacher Leader Capacity


Cultivating Teacher Mindset