Promoting College Readiness Through Trauma Sensitivity


Bud Bryant Cahn Fellow 2018

With the ever-changing landscape of education and its transient student population, Countee Cullen Elementary School experienced an enrollment decline and a subsequent loss in funding. To counter these unfortunate circumstances, aggressive community marketing strategies were employed. Ironically, the successful recoup precipitated a decrease in overall academic performance. An in-depth analysis of these outcomes revealed a significant portion of newly enrolled students experienced adverse childhood events that were inadequately addressed. As it has been well documented, children exposed to trauma are more prone to have cognitive and behavioral manifestations which can impede success in the classroom (as well as other areas of life). Our goal is to create a trauma-sensitive school ensuring all kids are socially and emotionally equipped to navigate life’s challenges which allows them to fully engage in college and career readiness preparation.


Building Capacity to Ensure Equity and Access for All Students
