Will improving trust and authentic collaboration between all stakeholders yield even stronger outcomes, especially within our low achieving subgroups?


Debra Cassidy Cahn Fellow 2019

When we first conceived our topic for our Cahn project study during the fall of 2019, the world was a different place than it is now. At that time, building trust in our community between staff members felt urgent and compelling. Analyzing our data revealed that although we had made great strides in improving student achievement, not all sub-groups had made the same progress. We felt that we needed to focus on building trust between teachers, paraprofessionals and administrators to accomplish true collaboration that would address the needs of Hispanic and Special Needs students who were not progressing at the same rate as our other children.


Getting Back on Track: Empathy with a Strengths-Based Mindset for Growth Applied to Students and Staff Improves Student Course Pass Rates


DATA AND TRUST Teacher Ownership