How does the impact of SEL build/improve relationships that will positively affect all student learning?


Terrycita Perry Cahn Fellow 2019

This narrative reviews the internal growth of a principal as she identifies the needs of the school, as well as the potential barriers and challenges that are faced as she begins her journey to decrease the number of suspensions and negative interactions between, teachers and students, teachers and staff and staff and administration. Her journey begins with taking the time to reflect on her leadership behaviors and beliefs, utilizing Sergiovanni’s Head, Hand and Heart as a guide. Throughout this journey, she incorporates her Cahn experiences and research knowledge and emulates those practices at her own school. These practices helped to unfold a need to revive the culture that had been in place for over 40 years, and continue the legacy of a culture of collaboration, trust, positive relationships with staff and students, along with a genuine care for self and others.


Narrative Report Submission


Ignition: Trust and Innovation as Tension Rods